Well, the year is coming to a close–can you believe it??  As we finish the trimester in Blog Writing, your final post will serve two purposes:  a demonstration of skills you’ve gained, and feedback for me on the strengths and areas for improvement of the course.  Ready?  Here we go!



Start your post like an email or a letter to me–I’m your intended audience, after all!  Just provide a little bit of context like below:

Dear Mr. Martin-

Whelp, this is it!  Our last day(s) together!  I just wanted to take some time to show you just how much I’ve learned about writing and blogging this trimester–you’ll soon see just what a pro I now am!


Section One – Blogging Elements

In this section, you’ll show me what you’ve learned about the art of blogging.  In this section, you need to include: 1) an embedded video; 2) a social media post; 3) an image; 4) a hyperlink.  For each, note why you’re sharing that particular video/post/image/link–make it something you want me to see or read!  Your response might look something like below:

I just had to share this video with you.  It’s an awesome clip from HBO’s “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver,” all about standardized testing.  He’s so awesome at pointing out some of the ridiculousness of it, while also making you laugh so hard you cry.  In fact, you should really check out some of his other clips on his official website–he reminds me a lot of Jon Stewart (which is probably because he also used to be on The Daily Show).

I also wanted to share this social media post with you–it represents quite possibly the happiest moment of my spring.  And it was made all the sweeter that I got to be there to see it happen!  (We won’t talk about the championship game…)

Thanks for the memories!



Section Two – Writing Skills

In this section, you’ll both show and tell me what you’ve learned about writing.  Specifically, I’d like you to discuss what you’ve learned about paragraphing, purposeful punctuation, word choice, and/or sentence structure.  This can be written as a paragraph response, much like the ones above, but here’s the kicker:  as you write it, I want you to use purposeful punctuation like semi-colons, colons, and dashes!


Section Three – Course Evaluation

In this final section, I’d like you to talk about the course.  Specifically, I’d like you to discuss: 1) your favorite activity or assignment–and why you enjoyed it; 2) your least favorite activity or assignment–and either why it didn’t really work, or how it could be improved; 3) something I did that helped you learn better; 4) something I need to work on with my teaching; 5) your overall thoughts on the course–what worked, what needs to change, etc.  Please be honest and specific with your feedback–it really helps me improve!


Don’t forget to bring your post to a close–parting words of wisdom, sayonaras, plans for the future…whatever you feel like!  Also let me know if you plan on using your blog in the future–what should we expect to see in future posts???